Frequently Asked Questions

What’s Up with the generic name for the charity/organization?
There are two main reasons we chose the organization name. The first is that there are similar efforts going on in other places and they use a variety of names from the names of children to the names of concepts, IE. faith, hope, love, etc. These are great and we don’t have any problems with that. We started with the intention of having multiple houses as time went on and we want any given house to carry a name that is meaningful to it’s community. Ant it will share the organization’s taglines “Love lives here” and “Where love is always home.” The second reason for a more generic overall name is that we see a possibility of adding scope to our mission as a future possibility.
Is there a currently a house in operation?
We were established as a 501(c)(3) on September 15th, 2023. We are currently raising funds to buy a property and to fund operation of the house for the first year.
What can I do to help?
We are looking for help to get the word out! Please share our information with everyone you think would be interested. We want our community to be involved in the development and operations of the house. If you have a particular interest in volunteering, please let us know!
What if I don’t want to volunteer to work with the kids, but I want to do something else?
There will be so many opportunities for ways to help! Donating money, donating time to support the house operations (cleaning, stocking food, lawn work, etc.), making phone calls, fundraising, decorating, painting, sorting donations, running errands, and the list goes on. Everything, even something seemingly small, will be a tremendous help!